Gaining Ground: OER at 3 Health Sciences Institutions



Palabras clave:

Open Educational Resources, OER, Health Sciences Libraries, case studies, faculty engagement, student success, textbook affordability, advocacy, library program


Background: Open Educational Resources (OER) are rising in popularity at higher education institutions to help combat high textbook costs. To date, little research has been published discussing the impact of OER in the health sciences context. This comparative case study seeks to fill this gap.

Experience: The article shares OER programs and advocacy efforts at three institutions, including a brief history of OER work, barriers and failures, current successes, and future directions at each institution.

Discussion: All three institutions are making efforts in OER outreach and advocacy, informed and impacted by their institutional community. Two institutions have an OER grant with increasing submissions from health sciences faculty. OER work is completed by one librarian at two of the institutions, while the third completes the work through a committee of stakeholders from across the institution. All cases include OER advocacy and outreach through library workshops and working to establish faculty partnerships. Barriers at all three institutions include a lack of time and funds to dedicate to finding or developing OER. Unique barriers include a desire to work with for-profit companies, concerns over disadvantaging students on their qualifying exams, and the sustainability of institutional efforts in OER.    

Takeaways: Libraries are uniquely situated to support faculty and staff as they incorporate OER into their practices. While health sciences faculty are typically slower to adopt OER, once they do take this step, they become strong advocates for open practices, the librarian, and the library.


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Cómo citar

Kirschner, J., Monnin, J., & Andresen, C. (2023). Gaining Ground: OER at 3 Health Sciences Institutions. Hypothesis: Research Journal for Health Information Professionals, 35(2).



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