
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it currently before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • My project was approved by the appropriate committee (Human Ethics, Institutional Review Board, or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee).
  • I submitted a separate word document with the following information for all author(s):
    Author Name, (degree(s), AHIP, etc.), Title/Position, Library, Employer, City, State, ORCID, email
  • New or Returning Authors: Login or create an author profile using your ORCID ID. We encourage you to add an existing ORCID ID to the Public Tab of your Author profile. Please start from “https:” to copy/paste the information from your ORCID ID profile. Note: Feel free to upload the ORCID IDs and contact information for non-corresponding authors in a separate document titled, “Author Contact Information.”
  • Figures, images, and illustrations are uploaded separately as standard letter size with file type PNG or TIFF.
  • Voices of Experience, Hypothesis Failure, Methods Moment, and Research Article submissions must be anonymized. Not anonymizing your document pre-submission increases the turnaround around time.
  • Multi-authored submissions have completed the CRediT Author Statement as outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Submission files must be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. Do not submit PDFs.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Figures, Images, and Illustrations are labeled consecutvely as (Figure, Image, or Illustration X) at the appropriate place within the text. Legends are placed at the bottom of the manuscript after the references.
  • Table(s) should be clearly labeled in the text (e.g., Table X) and they remain in the manuscript.
  • Where available, DOIs for references have been provided. Web-only references include URLs and date of access.
  • All citations for the submission conform to the most current edition of Vancouver. All in-text citations are indicated with superscripts.

Author Guidelines

To submit an article or other item for consideration, contributors should ensure that the following criteria are met. We welcome inquiries about possible submissions.

Author Information

We ask author(s) to submit a separate word document, which includes the following information, for each member of the Author Team:

  1. Author Name
  2. Degree(s)
  3. AHIP (if applicable)
  4. Title/Position
  5. Library
  6. Employer
  7. City, State
  8. ORCID (if applicable)
  9. Email

Reference Style

Hypothesis uses the Vancouver citation style and superscripts are used to indicate in-text citations.

Images, charts, graphs, figures, and tables 

Images, charts, figures, illustrations, and graphs may be in black and white or color. There is no limit on the number of such element allowed, but all included should be clearly referred to in the text (e.g, Table 1) and consecutively numbered. Legends or descriptions for all images, figures, and illustrations should be placed on a separate and blank page at the bottom of the manuscript. All images, figures, and illustrations must be saved as standard letter size and the file type must be PNG or TIFF. These files must be uploaded separately from the manuscript. 

The Production Editor and Editor reserve the right to create Appendixes for oversized images, figures, etc, which will not fit in the standard letter size sheet of paper (8.5 inch or 21.59 cm by 11 inch or 27.94 cm). Author(s) should contact the Editor, if they plan to include and oversized image, figure, etc.

CRediT Author Statement

Multi-author submission teams are asked to complete the CRediT Author Statement. This statement should precede the references section of the submission.

Research Approval

For any human subject or animal submissions, authors should indicate Human Ethics, Institutional Review Board (IRB), or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval.

Anonymizing/Blinding Your Manuscript

Any references written by a member of the author team should be redacted.

Any references to employer(s), program(s), or something a peer reviewer mght recognize and use to identify you should be removed.

Contact with any comment, questions, or concerns.

Editorial Board Reports

These 300-400 word reports will feature updates from the current Hypothesis Editorial Board Subcommitees.

Hypothesis: Failure

Submissions should aim for an abstract word count of 200 and Main text word count of ~1500. 

Word count for both abstract and main text does not include references.

The Research Mentor

Experienced researchers are living libraries of practical advice on the actual implementation of research studies.  The Research Mentor column is the only place in the health information professional journal literature where experts can mentor their less experienced colleagues. These submissions will be featured in March issues.

Abstracts: Optional, but they should be structured if included with the submission. Abstract word count, which does not include headings, should not exceed 200 words.

Manuscript: ~1000-1400 words, which does not include references or captions for Tables and Figures.

Email for clarification or questions about this submission category.

Conference Abstracts

Did you know that you can revise and submit your Conference abstracts to Hypothesis? We will perform editorial review, ask only for minor edits if they are needed, and then feature it in a future issue. Please be aware if you have already published your work, it cannot also be featured in Hypothesis.

Submission Guidelines:

A structured abstract should include 200 words (not including structured abstract headings or references):

Research Submissions

Background (Introduction)




References (optional)*

Program Submissions

Background or Introduction (choose the most appropriate heading for your project)



Discussion or Takeaways (choose the most appropriate heading for your project)

References (Optional)*

Use Vancouver style and In-text citation (X), if you choose to include them. These do not count towards the word count.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.