Scholar-Administrators as Leaders

Promoting Impact in Community Engagement


  • Henry Cunningham Community Engagement University of Louisville



scholar-administrators, leadership, impact assessment, higher education, anchor institution, transformation, community impact


Community engagement has seen many changes over the years as scholars studied the field and learned more about its application as a methodology for teaching and learning, as well as conducting research. Henry R. Cunningham, the 2023 Barbara A. Holland Scholar-Administrator Award recipient, discusses some of the evolution in community engagement and identified community impact as an area of great importance to change the public’s negative perception of higher education. The transformation led to the institutionalization of community engagement on campuses where it is integrated into the fabric of the institution. Numerous studies conducted show the benefit to students when they are engaged in the community, and the enhancement to teaching and learning with policies and practices such as faculty professional development to enhance this work. However, we need to look closer at the impact community engagement is having on communities with which we are collaborating and at how this work is helping to improve communities. Demonstrating that higher education is changing communities and improving the lives of individuals through educational attainment, economic development, and healthier communities, as well as in other areas, can change the negative public perception of higher education.


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