Long-term Effects of STEM Enrichment Programs on Wage Differentials Among Under-Represented Minority Students
STEM education, racial minorities, wage earningsAbstract
This study focuses on the increasing disparities in STEM education achievement and long-term wage earnings of under-represented minority groups. As part of national efforts to improve the diversity of the STEM workforce, this study uses longitudinal data from the University of Houston’s Education Research Center (UH-ERC) to examine the effect of participation in a STEM focused intervention program (Houston-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) on wage earnings across students from traditionally under-represented groups. Data analysis consisted of propensity score matching analysis, followed by an ordinal logistic regression model to measure program participation effects on wage earnings. Findings indicate a significant negative association between participation in STEM intervention program and long-term wage earnings. Results highlight the role of structural racism and human capital on perpetuating achievement and wage gaps across race and socio-economic status. Recommendations focus on career-preparedness as a tool to increase the human capital of under-represented groups, and institutional shifts in policy and program components that strive to reduce the impact of structural racism on this subpopulation of students.
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