Factors associated with opposition to a vape-free campus policy
health policy, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, cross-sectional studies, tobacco, surveys and questionnairesAbstract
Objective. To assess the characteristics of campus populations who were opposed to a vape-free campus policy and examine factors associated with opposition to a vape-free campus policy among those who indicated support for a tobacco-free policy.
Participants. Faculty, staff, and students (N=2210) in a Midwestern university participated. Methods. Individuals were invited to a campus-wide online survey about the tobacco-free policy on campus in spring 2018. Pearson’s χ2, t-test, and binary logistic regression were used for analysis.
Results. Age, gender, current tobacco use, perceived harmfulness of e-cigarettes, and perceived harmfulness of secondhand smoke were significantly associated with opposition to the vape-free campus policy.
Conclusions. Our data highlight the importance of various demographic factors that are associated with opposition to the vape-free policy. The current field needs to use informative approaches to improve knowledge of overall tobacco in health campaigns and public health programs on campus and within community outreach programs.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Seok Hyun Gwon, Youngjoo Cho, Linnea Laestadius, Yang Wang, Han-Joo Lee

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