Infusing Service-Learning into Allied Health Profession Curriculum: Perceived Enablers and Barriers


  • Sally Jane Uy University of Santo Tomas



occupational therapy, Philippine higher education, disability-related heath outcomes, service-learning, allied health profession curriculum


Service-learning may offer an innovative perspective in the competing global and national health interests among Philippine universities. This study sought to understand the enablers and barriers of implementing service-learning in the context of a premier private Catholic Philippine allied health profession education. It used an in-depth descriptive qualitative design. Transcripts from interviews, field notes and organizational documents were analyzed using thematic analysis. Data were coded and categorized into perceived barriers and enablers according to The Self-Assessment Rubric for Institutionalization of Service-Learning in Higher Education (SRISL) by Furco (2002). A wide range of enablers and barriers to implementing SL in one of the university’s health-related program were discussed. The results of this study may support further uptake of service-learning as a signature pedagogy in the allied health profession, particularly for its emerging unique professional identity and role in enhancing disability-related health outcomes.

Author Biography

Sally Jane Uy, University of Santo Tomas

Associate Professor

Department of Occupational Therapy

College of Rehabilitation Sciences

University of Santo Tomas

España Boulevard, Sampaloc

Manila, Philippines

Email: /

Contact Number: +639176290207


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