What Does it Take for Practitioners to Use Data to Change Behavior in Collective Impact?


  • Jeff Raderstrong Living Cities
  • JaNay Queen Nazaire Living Cities




community change, continuous improvement, cross-sector partnerships, database management


The use of data to track and manage progress is critical to a collective impact initiative achieving results or understanding impact. Yet, little research has been done to determine how collective impact practitioners can effectively use data. This article—including a literature review, semi-structured interviews with experts on performance management and collective impact, as well as Living Cities’ experience with over 70 collective impact initiatives—outlines five steps for practitioners to grow their initiative’s capacity to use data: Agree on the Data; Find the Data; Present the Data; Discuss and Learn from the Data; Change Behavior and Share Responsibility.

Author Biographies

Jeff Raderstrong, Living Cities

Jeff Raderstrong is a Senior Associate at Living Cities, where he supports the organizational learning process. Previously he worked on Living Cities Collective Impact portfolio, which is a network of over 70 different collective impact initiatives around the country.


Jeff Raderstrong
Living Cities
1040 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10018
Email: jraderstrong@livingcities.org
Phone: 646-442-3236

JaNay Queen Nazaire, Living Cities

Dr. JaNay Queen Nazaire is a leader, collaborator, and bridge-builder with a fierce belief in the right of all people to live their best possible life. As an Associate Director at Living Cities, she coaches city leaders to collaborate across sectors for powerful social justice results for people on the ground. She contributes to the strategic vision of Living Cities and empowers staff to work to improve the lives of low-income people.


JaNay Queen Nazaire, PhD
Living Cities
1040 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10018
Email: jqueen@livingcities.org
Phone: 646-442-2915


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