The Effect of Rivalry on Sport Performance
A Case Study of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi
rivalry, soccer, goals, assists, statistics, performanceAbstract
The motivation to outperform rivals can lead to sport innovation, creativity, and improved performance. Sport literature already affirms that rivalry leads to better team performance; however, empirical evidence to support the claim for individual performance is scarce. This study examines the effect of the Cristiano Ronaldo-Lionel Messi rivalry on their performances during their stay in Europe. We measured performance using non-subjective metrics such as number of goals, appearances, and assists. We also controlled for their years of professional experience as this is expected to be reflected in their performances. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Empirical results confirmed the positive effect of rivalry on their average performances, and this effect size was similar. We also found evidence that years of experience did not significantly affect Messi’s performance. The study concludes that individual rivalry has a significant positive effect on performance of athletes.
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