Integrated Fan Identity

Theoretical Framework and Conceptualization


  • Yoonki Chun University of Florida
  • Michael Sagas University of Florida



Integrated fan identity, identity work, social identity, role identity, personal identity, team identification, developmental psychology, collective identity


While extensive work on team identification have broadened our understanding of sport fans' psychological ties to teams, it has been pointed out that limited and inaccurate use of theoretical perspectives on identity has prevented further investigation of a complex construct. In this review, we explain the concept of identity work and adopted as to understand the developmental nature of sport fans’ identities. Next, we outline the underlying theoretical perspectives for three different identity types (social, role, personal) and how they are represented in team identification studies. Based on the above, we propose a rationale for implementing the conceptual framework of an integrated fan identity, highlighting the reciprocal identity work processes of the social, role, and personal identities of sport fans. Implications for future work are also discussed.

Author Biographies

Yoonki Chun, University of Florida

Yoonki Chun is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sport Management and a graduate research assistant at the Institute for Coaching Excellence at the University of Florida. His research focuses on integrated application of identity theories in the sport management context.

Michael Sagas, University of Florida

Michael Sagas, EdD, is a professor in the Department of Sport Management and director of the Institute for Coaching Excellence at the University of Florida. His research interests include athlete development, sport career transitions, and identity development in sport organizations.


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