Effects of ESL Instructional Coaching on Secondary Teacher Use of Sociocultural Instructional Practices


  • Annela Teemant Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Yuhao Cen Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Amy Wilson Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis



This longitudinal and descriptive quantitative study investigates the efficacy of an English as a Second Language (ESL) instructional coaching intervention with urban secondary teachers (N = 22). Coached teachers participated in a 30-hour workshop and then six cycles of coaching targeting use of five research-based sociocultural principles of (language) learning called the Standards for Effective Pedagogy. Findings demonstrate instructional coaching led to unique and statistically significant (a) pedagogical transformation and (b) patterns of development for STEM and non-STEM secondary teachers. Implications for improving the professional development model for STEM teachers are discussed.

(100 words)

Key Words: Instructional coaching; Professional development; Sociocultural pedagogy; Urban Secondary Teachers; STEM.

Author Biographies

Annela Teemant, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Annela Teemant is an Associate Professor of Second Language Education (Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1997) at IUPUI. She has been awarded four U.S. Department of Education ESL teacher quality grants.

Yuhao Cen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Yuhao Cen is an Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington, 2012) at the Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research interests include teaching and learning, student development, and college experiences.

Amy Wilson, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Amy Wilson (M.S. ESL, 2013) is a graduate research assistant in the IUPUI English as a Second Language Master’s Program.


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