

  • Theodore J. Crovello


John A. Bacone—The Identification and Evaluation of Indiana's Rare Vascular Plants: A Preliminary Report

Barbara J. Hellenthal and Theodore Crovello—A Revision of
Deam's Trees of Indiana

Victor L. Riememschneider—Computer Data Bank for Storage of
Floristic Data on Swamp Rose and Spicer Lake Natural Preserves

Clifton Keller—The Effect of Data Based Choice in Quantitative
Photogeographic Studies

Douglas C. Miller and Theodore J. Crovello—Computer-Generated Summarization Graphics of the Brassicaceae of the Soviet Union

Larry A. Hauser—Computerized Data Retrieval at the University of Kansas Herbarium

Charles B. Heiser —Pollination in Asarum canadense and Aristolochia serpentaria

Jane R. Shoup and Charles C. Tseng—Phylogenetic significance of pollen morphology in Asiatic species of Schefflera (Araliaceae)

Maureen A. Sampson and Theodore J. Crovello—Edward Lee Greene and His Botanical Collections

Charles T. Hammond, Kathryn Komo, and Paul G. Mahlberg—
Contribution of Seed Protein Studies in the Taxonomy of Cannabis Sativa (Cannabaceae)

John J. Furlow—An Analysis of chromatographic patterns of phenolic substances from the foliage of thirteen taxa of American alders (Alnus, Betulaceae)

James J. Tobolski—Techniques Utilized in the Preparation and Analysis of Oak Enzymes






Plant Taxonomy