Abstracts of papers not published in full
Abstracts included:
Stanley L. Burden, Douglas W. Taylor, Christopher L. Myer and Mark
A. Nussbaum. Computer-assisted Nitrate Analysis System Using a
Nitrate Ion Selective Electrode and an Apple II Plus Microcomputer
Robert H. L. Howe and Roberta C. Howe. The Occurrence of Certain
Toxic Organics in the Nature and Their Degradation
Katherine J. Jordan and Eric R. Johnson. The Hydrolysis of Bovine
Insulin A-chain by Guanidine-stable Chymoelastase in the Presence of
Constance A. Kiesler and John A. Mosbo. Phosphorus Ligand Size
Effects upon Reactions with W(CO)<sub>4</sub> (pyridine)<sub>2</sub>
Paul C. McKinney. Asymptotic Expansions of the Eigenvalues of Burrau
Laura L. Nelson and Lynn R. Sousa. The Synthesis of B-lactams Using
a Photochemical Reaction
Jean E. Parente, John M. Risley and Robert L. Van Etten. The <sup>18</sup>0-lsotope Effect in NMR Spectroscopy: A Method for Simultaneously Following Kinetics and Establishing the Site of Bond Cleavage During the Hydrolysis of Phosphate Monoesters
Robert E. Van Atta. An Improved Qualitative Test for Acetate Ion
John F. Zimmerman. Apple Computer Simulations Used in Teaching Chemical Instrumentation