Abstracts, Notes


  • Edward Hinsman


Abstracts included:

J. R. Welser and W. W. Carlton. Response of the Duck Thyroid
to the Administration of Thiouracil.

J. F. Van Vleet, B. V. Hall and J. Simon. Regeneration of
Skeletal Muscle in Vitamin E-Deficient Rabbits.

I. Watanabe and G. Bingle. Deficient Myelination in the Brain
of "Quaking" Mouse: An Electron Microscopic Study.

J. F. Schmedtje. The Identification of Gamma-A Globulin in
Human Enteric Epithelial Cells.

N. E. Weber and P. V. Blair. Effects of Adenosine Diphosphate
on the Morphology of Heart Mitochondria.

A. N. Siakotos. The Isolation of Nuclei and Endothelial Cells from Brain.

S. Yumoto and S. Ishikawa. Ultrastructural and Enzymological
Observations of Isolated Kidney Microvilli.

Notes included:

J. B. Whitten. Ultrastructural Features of the Calcifying
Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor.

Author Biography

Edward Hinsman




Cell Biology