A new Junior Synonym for Raptoheptagenia Cruentata (Walsh, 1863) and Remarks about
Nearctic Heptagenia Walsh, 1836 (Insecta: Ephemroptera: Heptageniidae)
Luke M. Jacobus
Indiana University Purdue University Columbus
J. M. Webb
Rhithron Associates, Inc.
Mayflies, systematics, taxonomy, aquatic insects
Examination of a rediscovered slide of holotype genitalia of Heptagenia patoka
Burks, 1946, (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) revealed that H. patoka is synonymous
with Raptoheptagenia cruentata (Walsh, 1863) [5 H. patoka, new synonym]. With the synonymy
of H. patoka under R. cruentata, all North American Heptagenia Walsh, 1863, species are
known in the larval stage. The larvae of H. dolosa Traver, 1935, and H. townesi Traver,
1935, have not been described yet, but recently they were associated with adults. Both
species are part of the H. marginalis Banks, 1910, species group. Heptagenia townesi
differs from H. marginalis by having longer apical spines on the segments of the caudal
filaments, but further study of H. dolosa will be required to elucidate possible
diagnostic characters.