The Online Bilingual MSW Program

Innovation in Social Work Education




Immigrants, Refugees, Bilingual education, Latinx, social work, MSW, innovation


The process of design and implementation of the Online Bilingual (Spanish and English) Master of Social Work (OBMSW) at Loyola University Chicago is presented. This innovative program enhances the clinical training of social work students serving Latinx, immigrant, and refugee communities. The OBMSW utilizes an online platform, offers learning in a bilingual environment, is taught by a completely Latinx faculty body, and is guided by a curriculum that is responsive to current challenges experienced by Latinx and immigrant populations in the U.S. Preliminary, mixed-methods data of this promising approach to social work education is included. Additionally, a description of the adjustments and changes made during the implementation stage resulting from student advocacy and the self-evaluation exercises conducted is offered. Limitations and potential future opportunities are discussed. The innovative OBMSW program can serve as a model for social work programs across the U.S. interested in preparing social workers to meet the unmet, growing mental health service needs of the bilingual Latinx populations. Additionally, the OBMSW program's online format can increase student access on a national level.

Author Biographies

Celeste Sánchez, Loyola University Chicago

MSW, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

María Vidal de Haymes, Loyola University Chicago

Ph.D., Professor, School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois,

Guillermo Sanhueza, Loyola University Chicago

Ph.D., MSW, School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois,

Ennio Cardozo, Loyola University Chicago

MSW Student, School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Verónica Arreola, Loyola University Chicago

MEd, Assistant Director of Academic Advising, School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois


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