Increasing Social Work’s Stake in Interprofessional Practice
Effectively Preparing MSW Students for Integrated Care Settings
integrated healthcare, social work education, stipend-supported programs, quantitative method, BHWET programsAbstract
Integrated behavioral healthcare is becoming increasingly important and central to social work practice as the healthcare field shifts from a solely disease model of health to a more holistic approach. Researchers have also noted the need for studies demonstrating effective models for incorporating integrated healthcare training into schools of social work. Studies that demonstrate the effects of integrated training have the potential to provide legitimacy to these training programs, an important step in furthering their adoption within schools of social work in the United States and abroad. The training program described here was designed to increase the number of MSW social workers who provide trauma-informed, culturally relevant, evidence-based behavioral health prevention and intervention practices at integrated healthcare settings. This study used a pre- and post-survey design with non-participating MSW students as a control group. Findings indicate significant increases in knowledge, skills, and attitudes for training participants. A recommendation for further research is to explore to what extent graduates transfer their enhanced knowledge to the workplace.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Amy Benton, Alejandro Allen, Lindsey Anderson, Erica Nason

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.