The Obligation of White Women

Dismantling White Supremacy Culture in Social Work Education




white supremacy, social work education, white women, racism, dominant culture


On Memorial Day 2020, a white woman, Amy Cooper, was walking her unleashed dog in New York City. After being apprised of the leash law in that state by a man bird watching, Ms. Cooper proceeded to call the police stating an “African American man” was “threatening her life and that of her dog” (Ransom, 2020). While this event may seem unconnected to the field of social work, it is a modern example of the way white women, including those in social work, use emotionality, bureaucracy, and the law to control Black bodies. Social work has been and continues to be, responsible for policies and practices that maintain white supremacy culture and criminalize Black people.

Author Biographies

Jandel Crutchfield, The University of Texas at Arlington

Dr. Jandel Crutchfield is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Arlington. Prior to her academic career, Dr. Crutchfield worked as a licensed clinical social worker in Mississippi and Louisiana schools. In addition she has served as a counselor in community mental health, in-home counseling, and residential treatment settings. Dr. Crutchfield earned her B.A. in Psychology from Washington University in St. Louis. She earned her Master of Social Work from the Florida State University College of Social Work. Dr. Crutchfield earned her PhD in social work from Louisiana State University. Her research focus is designed to understand the stagnation in disparities for vulnerable people of color by not only examining cases describing the lived experiences of people of color, but also through examining institutional, societal, and individual level bias that contributes to disparities, and finally, the need for better training in cultural engagement for those professionals working in any system with people of color. UT Arlington’s strategic focus on health and the human condition encapsulates my research focus as the goal is to better the lived experiences of people of color.

Desiree Stepteau-Watson, University of Mississippi

Dr. Desiree Stepteau-Watson, LCSW, as an Associate Professor and the  MSW Program Director of the Department of Social Work in theSchool of Applied Sciences at the University of Mississippi. 


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