Exploring Faculty Perceptions of Student Incivility in Social Work: Results from a National Survey


  • Elizabeth A. Wahler Indiana University
  • Karen Badger University of Kentucky




Incivility, social work education, student uncivil behavior


The literature suggests that incivility is a growing problem in college classrooms, but few studies have examined incivility within social work programs. Using a national sample of social work instructors (n=327), this study examined faculty experiences with social work student incivility in both undergraduate and graduate education. Results showed that some behaviors often deemed disrespectful or inattentive do occur in social work classrooms, and they occur more frequently in undergraduate classes than graduate classes. Although rare, hostile behaviors were also reported by faculty. Discussion of these findings includes recommendations for addressing incivility in the context of preparing social work students for professional practice.

Author Biographies

Elizabeth A. Wahler, Indiana University

Assistant Professor in the Indiana University School of Social Work

Karen Badger, University of Kentucky

Associate Dean and Assistant Provost in the Division of Undergraduate Education

Associate Professor in the College of Social Work 


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