Call for special issue of ENGAGE!, "Reparations, Reckoning, and Regeneration from Global and Local Contexts"
An Engage! special issue, Reckoning, Reparations, and Regeneration from Global and Local Contexts
- Virgil Gregory, IU
- Eric Kyere, IU
- Sarah Stanlick, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative and Global Studies, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Submissions 3/1
- Reviews back by 5/1
- Revisions back by 5/15
- Publication 6/15
Engage!, a journal devoted to community engaged and community-based participatory research, is announcing a special issue focused on Reparations, Reckoning, and Regeneration from Global and Local Contexts. We contend that to end contemporary racial injustices and disparities in several dimensions of life (e.g., health, wealth, education, mass incarceration, residential segregation, etc.), policies and practices of reckoning, reparations, and regeneration must be enacted fully.
The call for reparations implies that reparatory actions would right the legacies of past race-based and colonial injustices that drive present day inequities. Reparations for various marginalized and vulnerable communities has relevance for community advocates, social and behavioral sciences, as well as professions which work to create social justice and address past harms. In the United States much of the conversations on reparations has focused on financial reparation to descendants of racial slavery. However, from a broader and transnational perspective, reparation extends beyond financial incentives. This special issue on Reparations calls for manuscripts that: 1) Use a community focused perspective to clearly elucidate the historical, micro/individual, mezzo, and/or structural reasons for which reparations are necessary to disrupt persistent collective social injury while fostering community healing and wholeness and 2) Explain the most appropriate mechanisms for providing reparations to address the current inequalities. Theoretical, community-based, and interdisciplinary frameworks for discussing these issues are encouraged. Community members and community-engaged scholars from a wide range of scientific and professional backgrounds are encouraged to submit manuscripts. Scholars and community members are welcome to submit manuscripts of varied ways they have conceptualized reparation and innovative strategies by which communities are engaged in reparations in ways that advance individual and community well-being.
Throughout the United States, there are established and emerging collectives from whom we can learn and grow. A growing movement of advocates, activists, educators, thinkers, and creators have been nurturing communities of practice and repair. We seek to learn from these emerging movements and practices and share that knowledge through this special issue. Topics could include, but are not limited to, policy initiatives, land and food justice as reparations, healing generational trauma, economic and social support of sharing communities, ecosystem healing, climate change, culturally appropriate practices, and traditional ecological knowledge.
A distinctive characteristic of the journal is that articles must be conceptualized, written and disseminated with a community partner. We invite empirical, conceptual, and theoretical articles that make substantial contributions to the field. Through this special issue, we seek to highlight those stories and continue to grow this work in solidarity. ENGAGE! editors ask for submissions that center this perspective.
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025
For detailed submission guidelines go to